
Exchange Facilities in Marib Continue its Close Despite Central Bank’s Decision to Resume Work

Yemen Monitor / Newsroom:

The General Assembly of the Exchange Association in Marib Governorate decided, on Tuesday, to continue closing exchange facilities in the governorate, despite the Central Bank’s decision to resume their work.

This came in a statement issued by the association after a meeting in which the recent closure and opening decisions related to exchange companies in the governorate and the impact of those decisions on the local market were discussed.

The statement explained that the meeting discussed the impact of the decisions to close and open exchange companies on the general situation, and stressed the need to consult on what is best for the public interest, while highlighting the efforts made by the administrative body in following up on this file.

The meeting also approved an urgent visit by the administrative body and four of its members to the director of the Central Bank branch in Marib, with the aim of coordinating and cooperating to find appropriate solutions to the crisis.

The association decided to continue closing the facilities until a joint decision is reached with the director of the Yemeni Central Bank.

The Exchange Association in Marib had called, on Monday morning, on exchange companies and facilities to refrain from resuming their work, despite the Central Bank in Marib announcing a decision to resume work in exchange companies starting from the same day, stressing the need to adhere to a number of controls, with a warning to take punitive measures against violators.

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