Tribes of Arhab, Nehm, and Bani Al-Harith Declare Readiness to Support the Battle to Restore the Yemeni State

Yemen Monitor/Newsroom:
Thousands of people from the tribes of Arhab, Nehm, and Bani Al-Harith gathered in Marib Governorate to declare their full readiness to support the Yemeni army in the battle to restore the state and defeat the Houthi project.
In the large public gathering, the tribes renewed their supportive stance towards the state and their readiness to back the army in completing the liberation of the country and restoring the state from the grip of the Houthis, calling on all tribes to mobilize for the battle of salvation from the oppression and tyranny of the Houthi gangs.
Sheikh Faisal Al-Shalif said that the Houthis have committed the most heinous crimes against the Yemeni people since their coup against the state, calling on all free and honorable people of Yemen to stand united alongside the state and its army to protect the national achievements that the Iranian gangs are seeking to obliterate and undermine.
Sheikh Mohammed Jaber Al-Jamra affirmed that liberating Yemen from the Houthis is a national duty, stressing the need to combine efforts to end the Houthi rebellion, which has blown up homes, looted money, violated honor, and inflicted severe suffering on the Yemeni people, emphasizing the role of the Yemeni tribe in supporting the army and deterring the Houthi rebellion.
For his part, Sheikh Mohammed Al-Najjar praised the prominent role of the Yemeni tribes, and the people of the tribes of Arhab, Nehm, and Bani Al-Harith, appreciating their great and heroic sacrifices in thwarting the Persian plot supported by Iran in Yemen.
Sheikh Al-Najjar called for unity and solidarity, rejecting narrow differences, and rejecting calls for regionalism, sectarianism, and tribalism, and directing the compass towards liberating the homeland from the grip of the Houthis.
The people of the tribes of Arhab, Nehm, and Bani Al-Harith expressed their full readiness to engage in the national battle alongside the armed forces, expressing their thanks and appreciation for the efforts of the local authority headed by the member of the Presidential Leadership Council, the Governor of Marib Governorate, Major General Sultan bin Ali Al-Arada, in normalizing security and stability, praising the remarkable development taking place in the governorate.
The tribal leaders called on the Presidential Leadership Council and the legitimate Yemeni government to support the heroes of the Yemeni army and to quickly provide the requirements for the decisive battle, praising the support provided by the coalition countries supporting legitimacy led by Saudi Arabia.