Yemen Calls on EU to Follow US Lead in Designating Houthis as a Terrorist Organization

Yemen Monitor/Newsroom:
Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council Chairman Rashad Al-Alimi has called on the European Union and the international community to follow the United States’ lead in designating the Houthis as a terrorist organization.
This came during his meeting with the head of the European Union mission in Yemen, Gabriel Munera Vinals, and the ambassadors of Germany, France, and the chargé d’affaires of the Netherlands, according to the official Yemeni News Agency.
Al-Alimi reiterated assurances to the humanitarian community that all necessary measures would be coordinated with the international community to direct the requirements of designating the Houthi militia as a foreign terrorist organization towards its primary objectives without harming vulnerable social groups or life-saving food and commodity imports.
Al-Alimi addressed the US administration’s decision to redesignate the Houthi militias as a foreign terrorist organization and the importance of the international community joining in such punitive measures as a peaceful option to dry up the sources of funding and arming the militias and to implement relevant UN Security Council resolutions, particularly Resolution 2216.
The Yemeni president called for learning from the disappointing experiences of dealing with the Houthi militias and not relying on their misleading attempts regarding their alleged terrorist ideology that undermines Yemen’s stability and international peace and security.
In the meeting, the Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council briefed the European ambassadors on the developments on the national scene and the required European interventions to support the Yemeni economy and alleviate the humanitarian suffering exacerbated by the Houthi terrorist attacks on oil facilities and commercial ships.