Yemeni Political Coalition Urges Presidential Council to Seize Opportunity to End Houthi Coup

Yemen Monitor/Newsroom:
A broad coalition of Yemeni political parties and components has urged the Presidential Leadership Council to capitalize on the US executive order designating the Houthis as a foreign terrorist organization, with the aim of ending the Houthi coup and restoring the state.
In a statement, the National Coalition asserted that this decision reflects a clear international understanding of the Houthi threat, which has employed violence and terrorism to seize Yemeni cities, destroy infrastructure, threaten regional and international peace, and attack neighboring countries. Additionally, the Houthis have jeopardized vital global interests in the Red Sea, posing a significant threat to international trade, commercial shipping, and civilians and military personnel in the region.
The National Coalition expressed its full support for this decision, emphasizing the importance of this designation as a decisive step towards ending the Houthi coup and restoring the legitimate Yemeni state and its institutions.
The coalition called on the international community to intensify its efforts to dry up the sources of funding for this terrorist group, take decisive measures to halt the flow of weapons to it, and provide the necessary support to Yemen to achieve stability and peace.
The National Coalition also urged the Presidential Leadership Council to positively engage with this decision by seizing this historic opportunity and working to end the coup through a Yemeni national agenda that prioritizes the interests of the Yemeni people.
The statement emphasized the importance of uniting all Yemeni political and military forces to achieve the ultimate goal of ending the coup and restoring state institutions, in line with the aspirations of the Yemeni people to be liberated from the grip of this terrorist group.
The statement noted that “the Yemeni people, who have suffered greatly due to this group, deserve to see serious national and international steps that put an end to this tragedy and restore Yemen’s security, stability, and regional and international standing.”