STC Forces Seize a Checkpoint at Al-Ma’ashiq Palace in Aden

Yemen Monitor/Newsroom:
News sources reported today, Tuesday, that security forces affiliated with the Southern Transitional Council (STC) have taken control of a checkpoint belonging to the Presidential Protection Forces at Maashiq Palace, the seat of the government in the temporary capital of Aden, southern Yemen, in what appears to be a new escalation against the internationally recognized government.
Sources indicated that STC forces seized one of the palace gates, which was under the control of the Presidential Protection Battalion, prompting the protection forces to withdraw inside the palace compound to avoid armed clashes with the attacking forces.
They pointed out that the STC forces deployed in the security position after seizing it.
The reasons and motives behind these moves by the STC forces, which call for the secession of southern Yemen from the north, are still unknown, although they are now part of the Yemeni government and the Presidential Council.