Taiz Governor Stresses Combat Readiness Amidst Houthi Escalation

Yemen Monitor/Newsroom:
Taiz Governor Nabil Shamsan stressed on Wednesday the high readiness and preparedness for any emergency amid the escalation of military operations following the Houthi group’s recent field escalation.
This came during Governor Shamsan’s visit to the Taiz axis command and his meeting with the commanders, emphasizing that the governorate’s priority is to support the army forces in the fronts to strengthen their steadfastness in defending Taiz against the Houthi group.
“Shamsan praised the heroism of the Yemeni army and its steadfastness in confronting the Houthi group and foiling its repeated attempts to harm Taiz,” according to the official Yemeni news agency.
He added, “We are in the same trench and we must support the fronts and mobilize official and popular efforts to confront the militia of destruction, appreciating the great sacrifices made by the heroes of the army in defending the governorate and breaking the backbone of the militias and inflicting heavy losses on them.”
For his part, the commander of the Taiz axis, Major General Khalid Fadel, welcomed the governor of the governorate, noting the importance of this visit in strengthening the steadfastness of the army and raising the morale of the heroes in the fronts, affirming the army’s readiness to carry out any tasks with high morale.
The deputy chief of staff at the training center, Colonel Abdul Karim Qasim, presented a briefing on the combat situation and the deployment of the axis units in the axis’s operations area, which extends from Hayfan in the east, Ossifra in the north, and Al-Kadha in the west.
Yesterday, Tuesday, the Yemeni army announced the killing and wounding of 23 Houthi elements in night battles on the air defense front northwest of the city of Taiz.
Over the past two months, the Houthi group has escalated militarily, targeting Yemeni army positions on various battlefronts in Taiz Governorate, the most densely populated in the country.
The confrontations have focused on the fronts surrounding the city of Taiz, in addition to the fronts of the western countryside of the governorate.