Al-Arada: The Current Situation is Exceptional and Requires Working as a Unified Team

Yemen Monitor / Newsroom:
The Deputy Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council in Yemen and Governor of Marib, Major General Sultan Al-Arada, stated that the current phase is exceptional and necessitates working with a spirit of unity and the highest standards of responsibility, prioritizing the public interest and collective efforts to achieve the desired goals.
During a meeting of the Executive Office in Marib Province he emphasized that the state apparatus and its various institutions are steadfastly fulfilling their duties and working with determination and resolve to overcome difficulties and challenges across multiple sectors.
He stressed the need to double efforts, utilize all available resources, and optimize their deployment to enhance the quality of services offered to citizens and improve their living conditions amidst the challenging circumstances faced by the country.
Al-Arada urged the directors of executive offices to strengthen institutional capacities and improve administrative and service performance across all state institutions, in line with strategic plans that address the urgent needs of the citizens, recognizing this as a priority for achieving the desired objectives.
He called for enhancing communication and coordination with regional and international partners and donors to meet the increasing humanitarian needs and alleviate the significant pressures on infrastructure and service institutions amid ongoing displacement, an influx of refugees, resource scarcity, funding shortages, and a decline in international organizations’ interventions in the province.