
Yemeni Journalists Syndicate Demands Release of Members Held by Houthis

Yemen Monitor/ Newsroom:

The Yemeni Journalists Syndicate has expressed deep concern over the conditions of detained journalist Mohammed Al-Miyahi and all other journalists held by the Houthis, demanding an end to the enforced disappearance of journalists and their immediate release.

In a statement on Facebook, the syndicate said, “More than a month has passed since the abduction of journalist Mohammed Al-Miyahi in a Houthi group prison in Sana’a due to his writings and opinions, under mysterious and disturbing circumstances.”

It added, “Information obtained by the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate indicates that the de facto authority in Sana’a has not allowed any communication or visits to Al-Miyahi since his arrest on September 20th from his home in Sana’a.” The syndicate held the Houthis responsible for Al-Miyahi’s safety and demanded that his health condition and circumstances of his detention be disclosed.

The syndicate also condemned the arrest of journalist Adnan Al-Nazi by the “Western Coast Forces” and its continued detention, calling for his immediate release.

In a statement, the syndicate said, “Our colleague, journalist Adel Al-Nazi, has been detained by the Western Coast Forces for five days, and the syndicate’s intensive efforts to secure his release have been met with incomprehensible obstinacy and no clear justification for his arrest and continued detention.”

It added, “The syndicate has not determined the reason for the colleague’s violation, and the leadership of the Western Coast Forces has remained silent in response to the syndicate’s efforts, expressing regret at the determination to punish him by the relevant authorities in the Western Coast Forces.”

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