
Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate Renews Rejection of Journalists Standing Before a Terrorism-related Court



Yemen Monitor/ Newsroom

The Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate on Wednesday renewed its rejection of journalists standing before a terrorism-related court, while warning of the seriousness of the charges leveled against them in the case of the murder of Brigadier General Adnan al-Hamadi.

In a statement, the syndicate said it was following with great concern the summons of journalists and activists and their declaration as fugitives from justice in the case of the murder of Brigadier General Adnan al-Hamadi, noting that it had received a complaint from journalists Abdulaziz al-Majidi, Ahmed al-thubhani, and Wiam al-Sufi regarding the new procedures taken by the Specialized Criminal Court in Aden and the continuation of their trial proceedings, which further threaten the lives of journalists and incite against them.

The Journalists’ Syndicate affirmed its categorical rejection of accusing any journalist or writer of inciting the killing of a public figure merely because he addressed him in journalistic work or opinion pieces that the concerned party did not consider at the time to be an insult or threat to his person, and did not file any complaint in this regard.

The syndicate pointed out the danger of these accusations, which have targeted many activists, and the resulting endangerment of their lives, especially in the context of the state of war, chaos, violence, and divisions plaguing the country, and the absence of the minimum of national institutions that guarantee people’s lives and security.

The syndicate’s statement denounced these procedures, expressing concern about the nature of the charges leveled against colleagues and other activists in the case of the murder of Brigadier General al-Hamadi on the grounds of publication, and deploring “considering them part of a criminal formation, which is extremely dangerous, unacceptable, and condemnable.”

The syndicate considered this approach to be a burning of the case from the path of justice, renewing its position rejecting journalists standing before a terrorism-related court, which the syndicate had faced and fought against and stood against in the era of the previous regime, warning of the slide in this direction due to the resulting suppression of freedoms and civil rights, threatening the press and media, and terrorizing all voices criticizing the public office holders at all levels.

The syndicate affirmed the right of journalists and writers to express their opinions regarding public affairs, issues, and individuals within the limits of their relationship with public office, and we affirm, in turn, the right of any aggrieved party to resort to the natural judiciary.

The Journalists’ Syndicate called on the head of the Presidential Leadership Council to exercise his powers to correct the serious mistakes that marred the procedures in this case and work to stop the dragging of journalists and opinion makers before the criminal judiciary

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