
Yemeni Government Condemns Houthi Kidnapping Campaign Against Activists Considering it as Criminal Acts


Yemen Monitor/Newsroom

The Minister of Information, Culture, and Tourism, Muammar al-Eryani, has condemned the kidnapping of the media activist and content creator Abdulrahman al-Baydani from his home in the Sahul area of Ibb Governorate and his subsequent forced disappearance.

In a press statement, al-Eryani explained that these kidnappings are just another link in the chain of systematic violations carried out by the Houthi group against all free national voices in the areas under their control. These individuals are exercising their right to report the truth, expose the group’s repressive practices, and express their national pride and celebrate national holidays. The aim of these actions is to obscure the truth and stifle freedom of expression.

Al-Eryani called on the international community, the United Nations, and human rights organizations to assume their responsibilities regarding these criminal practices, which constitute a flagrant violation of international law. He urged them to pressure the Houthi group to release the journalists and all those detained in their illegal prisons without any conditions.

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