Rights Organization Accuses Joint Forces of Arresting 13 People, Including Teachers and Pharmacists

Yemen Monitor/ Newsroom
A human rights organization accused the joint forces, allied with the Yemeni government, on Friday of arresting approximately 13 people in the Khokha district, south of Hodeidah (western Yemen).
Rights Radar organization strongly condemned the arbitrary arrest of “13 people,” including teachers and pharmacists from the Khokha district, and the harassment and humiliation they suffered, which undermined their dignity at the Abu Musa camp belonging to the joint forces in the western coast.
The organization quoted local sources as saying that the target list included more than 40 people, but those detained at the camp were 13, by order of Sadeq Attiya, the commander of the special forces in Hodeidah governorate.
According to the organization, “the detainees were subjected to harassment that reached the point of insult and being forced to roll in the hot sun, nearly naked, and were punished by having their heads shaved.”
The organization affirmed that it demands an investigation into what a number of Khokha youth were subjected to, and the accountability of those who ordered the violation and carried out the harassment, as well as the rehabilitation of the victims.