
Yemen Announces “Investment Map” and Strategic Shift to Improve Investment Climate

Yemen Monitor/Newsroom

Yemeni Prime Minister Ahmed bin Mubarak announced on Tuesday a “strategic shift” to rectify existing issues in the investment climate, including the fisheries sector.

During a comprehensive meeting in Aden, the Prime Minister stated that his government is preparing an investment map for promising sectors, including fisheries, in cooperation with Yemen’s development partners. This is part of its efforts to develop and diversify revenue and overcome previous imbalances.

He mentioned that his government has a strategic goal to correct the existing problems in the investment environment, in partnership with the private sector while considering the interests of both the state and investors. He emphasized the government’s welcome and encouragement of investments in various fields, including the fisheries sector.

Bin Mubarak said that the national private sector is a key partner for the government in establishing strategic investments and forging partnerships with brotherly and friendly countries and international financial institutions to benefit from the investment potential in promising sectors and develop and expand the quality of investments.

The Prime Minister was briefed by the Minister of Agriculture, Water, and Fisheries, Salem al-Suqtri, and owners of fishmeal factories on the outcomes of meetings to discuss the ministerial decision banning the establishment of new fishmeal factories and the mechanisms to ensure effective oversight and rectify the situation of existing factories, thereby ensuring optimal utilization of fish resources and preserving fish stocks.

Bin Mubarak indicated that the government welcomes and encourages investment in various fields, including the fisheries sector, emphasizing the need to diversify and distribute these investments and adhere to the existing laws and regulations aimed at regulating fishing and investment in the fisheries sector.

The Prime Minister directed the Ministry of Agriculture, Water, and Fisheries to rectify the situation and implement the regulations governing investment and fishing. He stressed the importance of everyone feeling their national responsibility in these exceptional circumstances and taking serious steps to correct imbalances, in partnership with the private sector.

He highlighted the government’s efforts to strengthen the infrastructure of the fisheries sector in coordination with donor countries and organizations, and to support projects related to food security and maximize the utilization of local resources to alleviate poverty.

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