
Thundershowers are still expected on some governorates…..what are they ?

Yemen Monitor/Newsroom

The National Meteorology Center forecast on Tuesday, heavy to moderate thundershowers in parts of the governorates of (Taiz, Al Dhale, Ibb, Rima, Dhamar, Sana’a, Amran, Al Mahwit, Hajjah, Saada, and the Tihama coastal plain(.

In a statement, it predicted heavy to moderate thundershowers in parts of the governorates of (Taiz, Al Dhale, Ibb, Rima, Dhamar, Sana’a, Amran, Al Mahwit, Hajjah, Saada, and the Tihama coastal plain(.

It also forecast scattered showers with occasional thunderstorms in parts of the governorates of (Lahj, Al Bayda, Abyan, Shabwa, Hadramaut, Mahra, and the eastern coasts(.

The center predicted strong to very strong winds around  Socotra Archipelago and the eastern Gulf of Aden, with speeds ranging between (30-40 knots), and moderate to active winds on the eastern and southern coasts, with speeds ranging between (10-20 knots(.

The center warned citizens in areas expected to receive rainfall to avoid valleys and flood channels and to take precautions against thunderstorms.

It also advised drivers on mountainous roads to be cautious due to reduced visibility caused by rain and low-level cumulus clouds, and to be aware of the risk of rock slides.

The center urged seafarers and fishermen to be cautious due to rough seas and high waves around Socotra Archipelago, the Gulf of Aden, and the eastern and southern coasts.

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