
CENTCOM: Houthi Attacks on Oil Tankers Threaten Red Sea and Global Trade

Yemen Monitor/Newsroom

CENTCOM said on Tuesday that the Houthi group had attacked two oil tankers, one flying the Saudi flag and the other the Panamanian flag, in recent hours.

In a statement, it said the attack was carried out using two ballistic missiles and a suicide drone. It added that the reckless terrorist acts committed by the Houthis continue to destabilize regional and global trade, as well as endangering the lives of civilian mariners and marine ecosystems.

CENTCOM will continue to work with international partners and allies to protect trade and mitigate the potential environmental impacts, despite the irresponsible and reckless actions of the Iran-backed Houthis

Late on Monday, the Houthis said they had carried out the attack on the ship “Blue Lagoon 1” using “a number of missiles and drones” due to its owners’ use of Israeli ports.

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