
EUNAVFOR MED Operation ASPIDE Announces Start of Salvage Operations on Damaged Tanker in the Red Sea


Yemen Monitor/Newsroom

The European Union Naval Force Mediterranean (EUNAVFOR MED) Operation ASPIDE stated on Thursday that no oil spill has been detected from a damaged Greek-flagged tanker, while salvage operations have begun despite ongoing fires on the vessel following Houthi attacks.

Lars Jensen, CEO of the industrial consultancy firm V.Group, stated on LinkedIn: “It seems, at least for now, that the situation has been contained.”

Jensen added, “Even if the Sounion can be towed and an environmental disaster avoided, the threat has not disappeared,” noting that dozens of tankers and other commercial vessels continue to operate in high-risk areas of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden

ASPIDE pledged to “facilitate any operations” in coordination with European authorities and neighboring countries to avoid a catastrophic environmental crisis and salvage Sounion.

The Houthi group announced on Wednesday that it had allowed salvage teams to tow the burning vessel, which has been on fire since August 23, after several countries expressed humanitarian and environmental concerns.

The Houthis carried out multiple attacks, including planting bombs on the already disabled Sounion, a 274.2-meter-long vessel carrying approximately one million barrels of oil.

The Houthis have sunk two ships during their 10-month campaign against commercial vessels in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, using drones and missiles in attacks they claim are in solidarity with Palestinians in the Gaza war.

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