
Heavy Rain Leads To Dam Collapse And Dozens Of Killed And Injures In Western Yemen


Yemen Monitor/ Al-Mahwit/ Exclusive:

At least 30 people have been killed and dozens more are missing after a dam collapsed in a district of Al-Mahwit governorate (northern Yemen), according to local residents.

Locals reported that “a burst water dam triggered landslides that swept away homes and shops in Malhan district, west of Al-Mahwit governorate, while the rain continues to fall.”

Other sources indicated that an entire family was lost in Al-Lahf Bani Harish village when a number of houses collapsed in Al-Qabla village, along with the collapse of several agricultural terraces in neighboring areas.

Other sources indicated that the house of Ibrahim Muhammad Al-Shawli in Bani Harish, Al-Qabla Malhan, was swept away by landslides above the house, and the entire family is still missing.

The source added that the bodies of three women were found, while a number of affected families are still missing and search efforts are ongoing.

Citizens have launched a “distress call” to the relevant authorities, civil defense, and the Red Crescent, urging them to urgently rescue and provide aid, and to mobilize to the affected areas to search for the missing.

Citizens have appealed to the authorities to take urgent measures and address the consequences of the floods and the losses suffered by citizens due to the dam burst and the torrents in the districts and villages of the directorate.

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