
Lightning Strikes Kill 14 persons in a Yemeni Province

Yemen Monitor/Newsroom

A series of lightning strikes in Hajjah Governorate, western Yemen, has tragically claimed the lives of 14 people and injured others. This devastating incident coincides with heavy seasonal rains over Yemen for several weeks.

Abdulrahman al-Malhany, head of emergency operations in Hajjah, explained that “the lightning strikes resulted in the deaths of three people in Abs District, and three more in Kuhlan Afar District. Eight others lost their lives in Aslam, Bani Al-Awam, Wadrah, Al-Muftah, Al-Mahbasha, Khashr, Qafl Shamar, and Ash-Shaghaderah Districts.”

Since early August, Hajjah Governorate has been grappling with torrential rains, accompanied by thunder and severe flooding, affecting 13 districts. These extreme weather conditions have caused significant damage to over 7,200 families, including internally displaced persons.

Over the past few weeks, according to unofficial statistics, more than 80 people, including women and children, have died or been injured due to lightning strikes across various governorates. This tragic toll underscores the severity of the ongoing rainy season in the country.

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