
Yemen Floods Raise Serious Health Concerns

Yemen Monitor/ Sana’a/ Exclusive:

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) said on Saturday that the floods and storms that have been battering Yemen for weeks are devastating the country and exacerbating an already dire health situation, even before the rains.

The organization indicated in a statement that the floods that Yemen has witnessed in recent days have raised serious health concerns.

It continued, “The combination of stagnant water and poor sanitation creates a breeding ground for mosquitoes, which could lead to outbreaks of insect-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. Contaminated water sources may exacerbate the risk of waterborne diseases and the ongoing cholera epidemic, further compounding the health crisis in an already vulnerable community.”

Matt Hoeber, Acting Chief of Mission for the organization in Yemen, said, “The scale of this disaster is enormous and the humanitarian needs are immense. Our teams on the ground are working tirelessly to provide life-saving assistance to those in need, but the resources available to us are limited.”

Hoeber added, “Without significant and sustained support from donors and international partners, the ability to meet the needs of those affected will remain severely limited.”

Over 100 people have died as a result of the floods over the past ten days, and nearly 600 have been injured. The floods have also forced tens of thousands of families into the open and displaced them from their homes.

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