
Two Girls Killed by Lightning Strike in Western Yemen

Yemen Monitor/Hodeidah/Exclusive

Two girls were killed on Saturday evening by a lightning strike that hit their home in the countryside of Hodeidah Governorate (western Yemen).

Local sources said, “A lightning strike caused the death of two girls in the village of Mahal Hajour Beit al-Ma’ouli in the eastern quarter of Al-Zahra district, Hodeidah Governorate, western Yemen.”

The United Nations announced that the number of people affected by the floods and rains that hit Yemen last week has risen to 180,000, double the number announced last week.

In a recent report, the UN stated that floods in Hodeidah Governorate affected 20 districts, among the most affected areas Al-Marweah, Al-Zaydiyah, Beit al-Faqih, Al-Luhya, Al-Qanaws, Zabid, Al-Hawak, and Ad-Durihemi. The rapid response mechanism received alerts about 56,119 affected individuals in the governorate.

The UN report indicated that health facilities in Hodeidah were affected by these floods in the districts of Bajil, Al-Zahra, Al-Zaydiyah, and Al-Mraweah, including Al-Thawra Hospital. The health cluster reported an urgent need for fuel to ensure the continuity of care, especially at Al-Thawra hospital

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