
UNICEF: 180,000 Affected by Yemen Floods

Yemen Monitor/Newsroom

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) announced that a devastating 180,000 people have been affected by severe flooding in Yemen since the beginning of August 2024.

In a statement, the organization said, “Heavy rains and catastrophic flash floods continue to exacerbate the suffering of families already grappling with poverty, hunger, and the ongoing conflict.”

The statement added, “The United Nations Population Fund, UNICEF, and the World Food Programme continue to provide life-saving assistance to the most vulnerable through the United Nations rapid response mechanism.”

With heavy rains expected to persist through September, the UN urgently requires $4.9 million to scale up and expand its emergency response.

The exceptionally heavy seasonal rains have caused sudden flash floods across Yemen, and widespread destruction. The provinces of Hodeidah, Hajjah, Saada, and Taiz have been among the hardest hit.

According to the statement, the floods have swept away homes, shelters, and belongings. Since the beginning of August, more than 180,000 people have been affected, with nearly 50,000 displaced in Hodeidah alone. This number is expected to rise in the coming days.

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