
Navigation Source: Saudi Arabia Prevents Yemenia Flight from Transiting Its Airspace and Returns it to Sana’a Airport

Yemen Monitor/Sana’a/Exclusive

Navigation sources revealed on Tuesday that a Yemenia Airways flight returned to Sana’a International Airport, controlled by the Houthis, hours after takeoff due to a lack of overflight permits.

A navigation source told Yemen Monitor, “Saudi Arabia prevented a Yemenia Airways flight from passing over its airspace and returned it to Sana’a Airport due to the absence of permits for the flight to Amman.”

Last Thursday, the first Yemenia Airways flight took off from Sana’a International Airport to Queen Alia Airport in the Jordanian capital, Amman, following an agreement between the Houthi group and the legitimate government.

On Wednesday, the Houthi group said that “destinations from Sana’a International Airport to Egypt and India are currently being worked on, and will be announced soon after the completion of the technical arrangements for operation.”

Last week, the office of UN envoy Hans Grundberg announced an agreement to de-escalate between the internationally recognized Yemeni government and the Iranian-backed Houthi militias regarding the procedures of the Yemeni Central Bank and Yemenia Airways, which included opening it to destinations in Egypt and India.

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