
The Yemeni Prime Minister refers to Houthi attempts to revert the situation to a war zone

Yemen Monitor / Newsroom

On Sunday, Yemeni Prime Minister Ahmed Awad Bin Mubarak urged the Yemeni army and government-aligned forces to enhance their combat readiness and maintain high alert to counter any Houthi attacks and thwart their repeated attempts to revert the situation back to a war zone.

This statement was made during a meeting he chaired in Aden with leaders of the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff, and several heads of agencies and department directors, according to the official Yemeni news agency.

During the meeting, as reported by the official agency, the nature of the military situation on the fronts of fighting amidst the escalation by the Houthi group was discussed, along with the high readiness to deter any threats.

Bin Mubarak emphasized the government’s commitment, as part of its priorities and plans, to build a strong army based on institutional and professional foundations and to neutralize the military and security institutions from political conflicts.

The Prime Minister stressed the need to address the conditions of the army and security forces, including the regular payment of salaries and providing necessities for the fronts until victory in the battle to restore the state, end the coup, and maintain security and stability.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the Prime Minister received updates from the Minister of Defense and ministry leaders on reports regarding the military situation, the conditions on the fronts of fighting against the Houthis, and the financial, logistical, and administrative needs to enhance the performance of the army in fulfilling its duties, as well as the ongoing efforts to elevate its capabilities and improve the conditions of its personnel.

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