
Watch: Heavy Rains Flood One of Yemen’s Largest Valleys

Yemen Monitor/Newsroom

Heavy rains have flooded one of Yemen’s largest valleys in the western part of the country over the past few hours.

Local activists have circulated photos and videos showing Wadi Mor and the heavy rain flooding the valley despite its large size.

Wadi Mor is considered one of the largest and most famous valleys in Tihama and Yemen as a whole. It is characterized by its fertile soil, which consists of silt that accumulates on the edges of this valley. The valley is rich in the cultivation of various types of vegetables, fruits, and grains.

Wadi Mor was mentioned in the book “A Collection of the Countries of Yemen and Their Tribes” as the largest of Tihama’s valleys that flows into the Red Sea. It originates from the lands of Hajour, Hajah, Hashid, La’a, Maswar, Muntab, Kahalan Taj ad-Din, and Sharas, among others. Many other valleys join it, such as Akhref and Usman in Hashid, Sharas, and La’a, which converge in the lands of Bani Qays east of Al-Wa’izat, Al-Zal’iya, Al-Ba’jiya, and Bani Jama’a. The excess water flows into the Red Sea from the coast of Al-Lihya.

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