
Al-Alimi Arrives in Hadramaut… Is the Time for Resuming Oil Exports Approaching?

Yemen Monitor / News Room

The head of the Presidential Leadership Council in Yemen, Rashad Al-Alimi, arrived in the city of Mukalla, the capital of Hadramaut, on Saturday, marking his second presidential visit to the governorate, accompanied by council members Abdullah Al-Alimi and Othman Majli.

The official Yemeni news agency reported that “President Al-Alimi, along with the council members during the visit, held meetings with local authority leaders, the executive office, military and security leaders, political and social figures, media representatives, and representatives from civil society organizations, to update them on the developments in the national arena and efforts to enhance the role of government institutions in improving the service and living conditions for the province’s residents, as well as encouraging national investments.”

Al-Alimi emphasized the council and government’s awareness of the financing situation in the governorate, acknowledging the valued role of local authorities in alleviating the humanitarian and service burdens, and recognized both their successes and failures, rather than avoiding them.

He reaffirmed the council and government’s commitment to strengthening the role of local authorities in Hadramaut and all liberated governorates, and to support their efforts in achieving security and stability, and improving services, in a manner befitting the role and status of Hadramaut as a model for a state of institutions and the rule of law.

Al-Alimi’s visit to Hadramaut is his second since taking office, particularly following the Houthi attacks on oil facilities, export ports, shipping vessels, and international navigation routes.

Last week, the UN announced that the Yemeni parties had reached an agreement that would lead to the lifting of financial restrictions imposed on areas controlled by the Houthis, in exchange for oil exports and resolving the salary crisis, unifying the currency, and neutralizing the Central Bank of Yemen.

The local currency (Yemeni rial) is experiencing an unprecedented collapse, with the price of one dollar recently reaching 1890 riyals in areas under the control of the legitimate government. There is hope that the de-escalation of economic tensions, which has been agreed upon recently, will alleviate some of this suffering and improve living conditions.

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