
Yemeni Health Ministry Announces Vaccination of Over One Million Children Against Polio

Yemen Monitor/Newsroom

The Yemeni Ministry of Health announced on Wednesday that more than 1.3 million children have been vaccinated during the second preventive polio immunization campaign in all liberated governorates (from the Houthis).

Ali al-Walidi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health for Primary Health Care, said that the vaccination rate reached 102% of the total target of children in 120 districts within 12 liberated governorates, according to the official Yemeni News Agency.

Al-Walidi indicated that the vaccination rates in the governorates were as follows: Abyan 99%, Hodeidah 117%, Dhamar 103%, Mahra 95%, Taiz 106%, Hadramaut Valley 96%, Shabwah 95%, Aden 98%, Lahj 107%, and Marib 107%.

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