
Algeria Describes Israel’s Attacks on Yemen as an Aggressive Invasion

Yemen Monitor/Newsroom

Algeria strongly condemned Israel’s aggressive invasion of Yemen and hold the international community responsible for the crimes being committed in Gaza Strip.

The Algerian Foreign Ministry said in a statement: “This invasion falls within the framework of the consistent and deliberate strategy adopted by the Zionist entity to impose its absolute dominance over the entire region and divert attention from its crimes, which are countless and indescribable in Gaza, particularly, and in occupied Palestine in general.”

It added: “Despite the tight noose imposed on it by international judicial and legal institutions, and despite the intense and severe condemnations coming from all parts of the world, the Zionist entity continues to defy international public opinion and disregard the rights and just cause of the Palestinian people.”

The statement called on the international community to take full responsibility and not allow the Israeli occupation to escape accountability, prosecution, and punishment.

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