
Gulf Countries: Israeli attacks on Yemen increase regional tensions


Yemen Monitor/Newsroom

Gulf countries have issued similar statements condemning the Israeli attack on Hodeidah port and warning of its repercussions on the regional security situation.

The Gulf countries expressed concerns that the Israeli strikes could push the region towards more violence and undermine efforts to establish security and stability in Yemen and the region.

Among the Gulf countries, Saudi Arabia stated that the Israeli attacks on Hodeidah governorate “have intensified the current tensions in the region” and harm ongoing efforts to end the war in Gaza.

The Saudi Foreign Ministry, in a statement published by the official Saudi Press Agency (SPA), called on all parties to “exercise maximum self-restraint, avoid putting the region and its people at risk of war, and for the international community and influential parties to take their roles and responsibilities to end conflicts in the region”.

The ministry also emphasized Saudi Arabia’s continued efforts to end the war on Gaza and support efforts for peace in Yemen to spare its brotherly people further suffering and achieve security and peace in the region.

Oman expressed its condemnation of the criminal attacks launched by the Israeli aggression on Hodeidah port yesterday.

The sultanate of Oman said in a statement that it condemns “Israel’s military aggression against Yemen, which represents a new escalation of tension in the region”.

The statement added that those attacks “will complicate the regional situation, hinder efforts to calm tensions down, and prevent achieving peace”.

On its part, Kuwait’s Foreign Ministry stated that it is closely monitoring with great concern the unprecedented Israeli strikes on Yemeni territory.

It added that those strikes will lead to a deterioration of the security situation in the region, undermining international efforts to end violence.

The ministry emphasized Kuwait’s stance calling for the region and its people to be away from violence and destruction, and for the international community and the UN Security Council to take their responsibilities to end all conflicts.

The statement also reaffirmed Kuwait’s continued support for efforts to establish security and stability in Yemen, sparing its people further suffering.

Yesterday, Israel launched airstrikes targeting Hodeidah port, oil tanks, and an electricity station, resulting in three deaths and 87 injuries with varying degrees of burns, according to Yemen’s Health Ministry, which is not recognized internationally.

The Israeli response came a day after Houthis claimed responsibility for a deadly explosion in Tel Aviv, which hit a central area housing several diplomatic missions, including the US embassy.

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