Severe Sandstorm Hits Marib in Eastern Yemen

Yemen Monitor/ Marib / Special
A severe sandstorm struck the oil-rich governorate of Marib (eastern Yemen) on Saturday evening, paralyzing daily life in the city’s streets, Al-adi districts, and displacement camps.
Residents of the governorate reported that “the sandstorm obscured the sun and caused a significant decrease in visibility in the city’s streets, amid warnings to travelers on the international and desert roads to stop traveling until the winds subside and the dust clears.”
One citizen commented on the storm, saying: “It was one of the strongest dust storms I have witnessed in my life. God help the displaced people inside the tents, as the storm turned the atmosphere into a deep red and darkness.”
It is worth noting that Marib governorate is home to approximately 3 million displaced people, representing about three-quarters of the total number of displaced people in Yemen, according to previous UN reports.