
Abyan Province Erupts in Anger: Tribes Gather Men as Local Authorities Disavow Responsibility

Yemen Monitor/Zinjibar/Exclusive:

Tribes in Abyan Governorate (eastern Yemen) are mobilizing their men after three weeks of the abduction of Colonel Ali A’shal Al-Ja’dani by the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) in Aden, following the expiration of a deadline set by the tribes last week for the security agencies to release him.

This comes as the local authority leadership, security and military forces have absolved themselves of responsibility, affirming their support for the tribesmen. This includes the leadership of the Abyan Security Belt, which is affiliated with the Southern Transitional Council.

The Southern Transitional Council abducted Ali A’shal, a battalion commander in the Air Defense in Aden, in mid-June.

A source said at midnight Tuesday/Wednesday that Abyan tribes had cut off “international lines leading to Aden” and set up checkpoints in “Sheikh Salem” in Zinjabar, and in “Lahmar” east of Mudiyah Directorate, and in “Khabar Al-Marakishah.

According to a security source and a tribal sheikh who spoke to “Yemen Monitor”, the tribal preparations to head to Aden come after confirming the abduction of Colonel Ali A’shal Al-Ja’dani, a member of Al-Ja’dani tribe, by the Southern Transitional Council three weeks ago and the council’s refusal to disclose his whereabouts.

Abyan Governorate Security Director Ali Al-Dhib Al-Kazmi called on the tribes to meet at the Security Department headquarters in Zinjabar to head towards Aden – according to the security source.

The sources said that the abductee “A’shal” was transferred to a secret prison run by Jihad Al-Shudhabi, a leader in the Southern Transitional Council (a relative of Aidarus al-Zubaidi, leader of the Transitional Council).

A statement issued by Abyan Governorate leadership of the local authority, security and security belt, and the military leadership in  Abyan axis, said that they disavow “their responsibility for any events from this hour and bear responsibility for anyone who procrastinated in not implementing the directives.”

The statement affirmed that “the military and security institution in Abyan Governorate stands with the tribes of Abyan in what they see as their only demand, the release of the abducted Colonel Ali A’shal Al-Ja’dani and the prosecution of all those involved in his abduction in accordance with the law, and it will not allow any aggression against the tribes of Abyan under any pretext.”

The statement by the local authority and the security and military leadership refers to the failure of a tribal mediation to calm the situation on Tuesday as the deadline expired.


The tribal sheikh said that the abduction of “Ali A’shal Al-Ja’dani” is a series of violations that include arrests, marginalization and systematic targeting against Abyan tribes and their men by the Southern Transitional Council, which is considered part of the authority.


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