
Former Shabwah Governor: Release of Politician Qahtan an Important Step and Key to Peace

Yemen Monitor/News Room

Former Shabwah Governor Mohammed Saleh bin Adio said that the release of politician and activist Mohammed Qahtaan is an important step and a key to any dialogue.

In a post on his X page, he stressed that the phenomenon of enforced disappearance is one of the worst and most heinous phenomena in dealing with humans and their right to freedom and life. It is a behavior that contradicts our Sharia law and all laws and covenants.

He pointed out that removing this black page is a task that deserves to mobilize energies, adding that placing the issue of the release of Professor Mohammed Qahtan as a foundation, starting point, and key to any dialogue as well as an important step as it is a title for suffering that must end.

He said that striving to uncover the fate of all the disappeared has become a moral and humanitarian task and a national duty.

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