
Iran with the participation of the “Axis of Resistance” , threatens Israel with a “severe war” if it attacks Lebanon

Yemen Monitor/New Yourk /Private

Iran threatened the Israeli occupation early on Saturday if it embarked on an “aggression against Lebanon” with a severe war involving fronts of the Axis of Resistance, which includes the Houthi group in Yemen.

The Iranian mission to the United Nations said in a post on the social media platform “X” on Friday that if Israel initiated a “comprehensive military aggression” against Lebanon, it would lead to a war of extermination.

The Iranian mission added in a post on “X” that “if (Israel) launches a wide-scale military aggression (against Lebanon), a severe war will result.”

“All options, including full participation of all resistance fronts, are on the table,” they continued.

The Axis of Resistance led by Iran consists of the Houthis in Yemen, the Syrian regime, the Shia militias in Iraq, and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

In recent weeks, tensions have escalated between Tel Aviv and Hezbollah, raising fears of a widespread war, especially with the Israeli army recently announcing “approval” of operational plans for a “broad attack” on Lebanon.

On Thursday, the newspaper “Yedioth Ahronoth” revealed on its website disagreements that occurred during a council meeting regarding statements made by Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant about the war with Lebanon. Gallant said during a meeting, “The cabinet” on Thursday evening, that he informed American officials during his recent visit to Washington, which ended on Wednesday, that Israel does not want a war in Lebanon and is willing to accept an agreement that keeps Hezbollah away from the borders.

Since October 8, 2023, Lebanese and Palestinian factions in Lebanon, including Hezbollah, have been exchanging daily shelling with the Israeli army across the “Blue Line” separating the two countries, resulting in hundreds of deaths and injuries, mostly on the Lebanese side.

Since the end of last year, the Houthis have been targeting commercial ships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, and recently expanded their operations to the Indian Ocean. They claim to be targeting ships linked to Israel, which launch brutal attacks on Gaza. But the Yemeni government and experts say that the Houthis’ goals are domestic to escape internal crises and improve their image in the region.

In response, the US and Britain have been conducting airstrikes against the Iran-backed Houthi group since January 11, resulting in the Houthis announcing an expansion of their operations to include US and British ships.

Since November, the U.S. Department of Defense (the Pentagon) has recorded more than 190 attacks on US commercial or military ships off the coast of Yemen, including nearly 100 attacks since the start of the US air strikes on Yemen.

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