
Houthi Leaders Killed in Clashes with Yemeni Army Forces Southwest of Yemen

Yemen Monitor/News Room

The Yemeni army announced on Saturday the killing of 4 armed men from the Houthi group in Taiz province, southwest of Yemen.

“The commander of “Usayfrah” front and the Houthis director of the central prison, the commander of a company and an engineering battalion for the militia, with two persons were killed while 3 others were injured in clashes with the governmental army on Usayfrah front,” said Colonel Abdul Basit Al-Bahr, Deputy Head of the Moral Guidance Department in Taiz Axis.

He pointed out that the Yemeni army forces thwarted an infiltration operation carried out by Houthi elements towards the government army positions, inflicting heavy losses on them in lives and equipment before the rest of the Houthi gunmen fled.

Yesterday, Friday, the Taiz Axis (affiliated with the Yemeni army) said in a statement that “the various fronts of the province witnessed a new escalation by the Houthis last week, coinciding with the opening of Julat al-Qasr  al-Kamp Haoud Al-Ashraf road.”

The axis added that the escalation focused on the fronts surrounding the city, where Houthis carried out offensive operations, artillery shelling, and infiltration attempts that were repelled by the national army forces.

According to the statement, fierce clashes took place yesterday, Thursday, between the national army and the Houthis on Al-Kreefat front east of Taiz city after artillery shelling on the army positions.

The army forces also thwarted an infiltration attempt by the Houthi group on Usayfrah front north of the city, which resulted in clashes that killed two Houthis and wounded four others.

The Yemeni army forces had thwarted four infiltration attempts by the Houthis during the current week on Usayfrah and Kalabah fronts north and northeast of the city and Al-Ahtoob front in Jabal Habshi directorate in the western countryside of the province, according to the axis statement.

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