
Journalist “Amran”: Invitation of “Al-Murtada” who involved in torturing us to attend Muscat negotiations is a UN participation in the crime

Yemen Monitor/Ma’arib/private:

A journalist who was released from the Houthi group prisons on Friday said that while the UN Panel of Experts has condemned Abdulqader al-Murtada (head of the Houthi Prisoner Committee) for torturing kidnapped journalists and prisoners, we find the UN envoy’s office in Yemen inviting him to attend negotiation sessions on prisoners and detainees in Muscat, instead of isolating him and adding him to the international sanctions list.

The Yemeni government and the Houthis are scheduled to begin a round of negotiations in Muscat next Sunday.

The released journalist Abdulkhaleq Amran told Yemen Monitor that the UN invitation to the criminal Abdulqader al-Murtada to participate in Muscat negotiations is an indication of the UN envoy and his deputy in Yemen’s lack of respect for human rights and their lack of seriousness in ending the suffering of the kidnapped and detainees who are subjected to continuous and direct torture by Abdulqader al-Murtada and his deputy in his prison in the Central Security Camp in the kidnapped capital Sana’a.

Journalist Amran, who spent “eight years in Houthi prisons, three of them in Abdulqader al-Murtada’s prison,” confirmed that the continuation of this approach makes the UN organization a partner in the gross human rights violations committed by the Houthi terrorist militias since the 2014 coup.

Journalist Amran called on the legitimate government and its negotiating delegation on the issue of prisoners and detainees, the international community, international and local press and human rights organizations to pressure the UN envoy and force him to refuse al-Murtada’s presence in the negotiations as he is one of the perpetrators of torture who must not escape punishment.

He considered this to be a prelude to prosecuting the leaders of the Houthi militia in national and international courts for the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the terrorist Houthi militia against the prisoners and detainees in Abdul Qader al-Murtada’s prison in the Central Security Camp in Sana’a and other prisons and secret houses.

Journalist Abdulkhaleq Amran called on journalists, media professionals and human rights activists, as individuals and institutions, to stand with the released journalists in the face of the suspicious practices of the United Nations and its envoy towards the Yemeni issue, especially the issue of the kidnapped and forcibly disappeared, which has shown a lack of UN and human rights seriousness in dealing with it, paying no regard to international human rights laws and legislation, by inviting the criminal Abdulqader al-Murtada, who we were tortured by his hands throughout our stay in his prisons.

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