
Egypt Considers Yemen’s Stability of Utmost Importance for the Red Sea Region


Yemen Monitor/Newsroom


Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry affirmed that Yemen’s security and stability is of paramount importance to Egyptian national security, the security of the Arab region, and the Red Sea region.


This came during a strategic dialogue session between Egypt and Yemen at the ministerial level, which included the foreign ministers of the two countries, according to Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid.


Shoukry reiterated his country’s support for legitimacy in Yemen, represented by the Presidential Leadership Council, stressing Egypt’s firm support for the unity of the Yemeni state, its institutions, its independence, and the integrity of its territories.


The Egyptian Foreign Minister referred to Egypt’s support for all efforts aimed at reaching a comprehensive political solution to the Yemeni crisis, in a way that meets the aspirations of the Yemeni people and ends their humanitarian suffering, in accordance with the references of the national dialogue, the Gulf initiative, and the outcomes of the recent Yemeni consultations in Riyadh, as well as in accordance with the relevant Security Council resolutions, foremost of which is Resolution 2216.


Minister Shoukry expressed Egypt’s keenness to strengthen cooperation with the Yemeni government in its efforts to develop infrastructure and rehabilitate human cadres in various fields, stressing Egypt’s openness to engaging in Yemeni development projects and reconstruction efforts.


According to the Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman, the Yemeni-Egyptian talks reflected the deep concern of both parties about the growing risks of the ongoing tensions in the Red Sea, and their consequences for the security of navigation and trade in the Suez Canal, and their impact on international movement and international trade, which further aggravates the current global economic crisis.


The two sides stressed the need for the international community to play its role in reducing the exacerbation of the humanitarian crisis suffered by the Yemeni people, and to provide the necessary support to finance UN relief programs in Yemen.


For his part, the Yemeni Foreign Minister expressed his country’s great appreciation for Egypt’s supportive positions towards Yemen, praising the close and deep-rooted historical relations that bind the two countries.


He welcomed the results reached during the strategic dialogue round between the two countries at the level of senior officials, where the outcomes of those meetings were reviewed, including the topics of bilateral relations and regional issues, especially the issue of Red Sea security, which took up a large part of the discussions.


Discussions also focused on reactivating the joint higher committee headed by the prime ministers of the two countries, as well as strengthening mechanisms for economic, commercial and investment cooperation, in addition to exchanging expertise in the field of training Yemeni diplomatic cadres through the Diplomatic Studies Institute affiliated with the Egyptian Foreign Ministry.


The two ministers affirmed the depth and specificity of Egyptian-Yemeni relations throughout history, and the keenness of the two countries to strengthen mechanisms of cooperation, solidarity and coordination to achieve their common interests and support the stability of Arab countries and the region.

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