
USS Eisenhower to depart the Red Sea

Yemen Monitor/News Room

The USNI News and electronic analysis website, affiliated with the US Naval Institute, has confirmed that the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier will be departing the Red Sea and will be replaced by the USS Roosevelt.

The website reported that the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower will leave the Red Sea while an aircraft carrier currently stationed in the Pacific is scheduled to head to the Middle East to continue the US presence mission in the region.

The website quoted a US official as saying: While the Ike and its escorts will move to the Mediterranean Sea, a destroyer escort will remain with the US 5th Fleet. Additionally, air traffic controllers are tracking an Eisenhower C-2A Greyhound detachment as it flies from the US 5th Fleet base in Bahrain to the Mediterranean.

The official confirmed that the decision comes as Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has decided not to extend again the deployment of the Navy’s oldest aircraft carrier for a third time.

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