
USS Eisenhower Commander Mocks Houthi Claims


Yemen Monitor/Aden/Exclusive:

The commander of the US aircraft carrier “Eisenhower” has mocked claims by the Houthi armed group after the group claimed to have sunk the aircraft carrier!

USS Eisenhower Commander “Christopher Chad Hill” told the Associated Press agency during its recent visit to the aircraft carrier: “I think we’ve been sunk twice or three times in the past six months, which is not true.”

The Houthis and social media accounts supporting them have repeatedly claimed to have struck or even sunk the aircraft carrier in the Red Sea.

“It’s almost comical at this point,” said the Eisenhower commander. “Maybe they’re trying to boost their morale through false hearsay, but it’s not working on us.”

The aircraft carrier is leading the US response to Houthi targeting of commercial and warships in the vital waterway, attacks that the Houthis say are aimed at ending the Israeli war on Gaza Strip.

The Associated Press said that Eisenhower commander is countering Houthi misinformation and boosting the morale of the 5,000-strong aircraft carrier “as the Navy faces its fiercest fighting since World War II,” according to the agency.

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