
Yemen Central Bank confirms that its recent decisions are “in force and irreversible”

Yemen Monitor/News Room

The Central Bank of Yemen in Aden confirmed on Friday that its decisions taken to protect the banking sector are in effect, without any grace period or exceptions, denying the validity of the circulated news about granting an additional grace period to banks that violate the regulations.

The Central Bank said in a statement that “all its recent decisions come as an embodiment of the sovereign will of the Yemeni state and its legitimate institutions, based on the requirements of the national interest and with the aim of protecting the banking sector from Houthi violations.”

It added that “the Central Bank has not and will not tolerate the implementation of its measures against banks that fail to fulfill their obligations and transfer their main centers to the temporary capital, Aden.”

The Central Bank of Yemen confirmed that its decisions are in effect from the moment of their issuance and will proceed according to the designated plan and at the specified dates, stressing that all decisions are irreversible and without any exceptions in their application, warning against dealing with rumors.

The Yemeni News Agency reported from a responsible source in the bank that the bank’s procedures are sovereign and have a monetary and banking character and are not subject to directives nor have any links to any local, regional or international events or parties.

The source said that the decisions of the Central Bank are pure financial and technical measures, and do not have any political background, but rather came in accordance with the bank’s powers, independence and legal responsibilities to protect the banking sector from collapse, contrary to what the Houthi promotes.

The source called on the media to deal professionally and with national responsibility and not to be dragged behind the rumors that are promoted by suspicious media and websites that obtain their rumors from the kitchens of the militia’s security services without verification.

Last week, the Central Bank of Yemen issued a decision to stop dealing with the banks: “At-Tadamon, Yemen and Kuwait, Comprehensive Yemen Bahrain Bank, Al-Amal for Microfinance, Al-Kuraimi, Yemen International for refusing to transfer their headquarters from Sana’a to Aden”, and also gave a 60-day grace period for citizens and institutions to deposit what they have from the old edition before 2016 with it and other banks.

The measures of the Aden Central bank prompted the Houthis to ban dealing with 13 local banks under the control of the internationally recognized Yemeni government.

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