
Southern Transitional Council (STC) threatens to “run out of patience” and reconsider its participation in the Yemeni government


The UAE-backed STC on Tuesday threatened to run out of patience with the government in which it participates. Saying that its reconsidering its participation in the Presidential Leadership Council and the government.

Eidaroos al-Zubaidi, head of the STC, said in a meeting with members of his leadership council today that “the continuation of the current situation is no longer acceptable, and the STC will not wait forever for the government’s failure and inability.”

The STC-run governorates which are under the internationally recognized government are experiencing a very bad situation with the continued collapse of the national currency (the riyal) and continuous power cuts since the beginning of summer.

Al-Zubaidi said in the meeting that the council he leads, which is funded and armed by the UAE, is “a political entity with enough capacity and courage to bear its national responsibilities towards our people.” In a reference to the possibility of declaring separation.

He added that the participation of the STC in the Leadership Council and the government “was out of a keenness to unify forces and efforts to confront the common enemy represented by the terrorist Houthi militia.”

He added: “But the deterioration of living conditions to this level requires the council to reconsider all its decisions and future steps in a way that serves the interests of the people of the south and their national cause.”

The internationally recognized Yemeni government has not yet commented on what the Transitional Council said. The council militarily controls most of the southern provinces except Hadhramaut and Mahrah

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