
Yemeni Army Announces Downing of Houthi Drone in Hajjah, North of the Country

Yemen Monitor/Newsroom

The Yemeni army announced on Tuesday the downing of a Houthi drone attempting to target its sites in Hajjah province, northwest of the country.

The media of the Fifth Military Region affiliated with the Yemeni army said that “the air defenses were able to shoot down a Houthi drone in Bani Hassan area in Abs Directorate, north of Hajjah Governorate.”

From time to time, the Yemeni army announce the downing of many Houthi drones over their sites in a number of battlefronts in the country.

The Houthi group has escalated its hostile actions on a number of fronts, exploiting the events in Gaza in an attempt to promote its political agenda, amid ongoing regional and international efforts to succeed the peace map in the country.

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