
China calls for an end to attacks on civilian ships in Red Sea

Yemen Monitor/News Room

China called on Tuesday for an end to attacks on civilian ships in the Red Sea and to ensure safe navigation there.

The call came during a meeting held between Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and his Yemeni counterpart, Mohammed al-Zindani, in Beijing.

Wang said that China is ready to play an active role in this regard, according to Chinese foreign ministry statement.

Al-Zindani arrived to the Chinese capital Beijing on Monday evening on an official visit to the Republic of China that will last for days.

The legitimate-affiliated news agency (SABA) reported that Al-Zindani arrived in Beijing on an official visit, during which he will meet with a number of Chinese officials to discuss ways to enhance bilateral cooperation and issues of common interest between the two countries.

Yemeni Foreign Minister al-Zindani is scheduled to participate in the 10th  session of the ministerial meeting of the China-Arab Cooperation Forum, which is being hosted by the Chinese capital Beijing to discuss ways to enhance joint cooperation between the Arab and Chinese sides in various political, economic, social and cultural fields.

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