
Washington renews support for peace efforts in Yemen

Yemen Monitor/News Room

The United States, on Wednesday, renewed its support for efforts to achieve a permanent ceasefire between the Yemeni parties.

“On behalf of the United States government, I extend my best wishes to the Yemeni people on the occasion of the 34th anniversary of Yemeni Unity Day,” US Ambassador Stephen Fagan said in a statement.

“I would particularly like to appreciate the Yemeni government for its work towards peace, strengthening reforms and improving governance, as it strives daily to meet the needs of the Yemeni people,” he added.

“The United States strongly supports efforts to achieve a permanent ceasefire between the parties through a Yemeni-led political solution,” he continued.

“The Yemeni people deserve an end to this conflict and to see their country move towards prosperity,” he said.

“We have long known that the Yemeni people always work together to overcome adversity, and we stand with you today and will stand with you in the future,” he said.

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