
U.S. military: New clash with 28 Houthi drones in the Red Sea

Yemen Monitor/Aden/private:

The U.S. military said on Saturday that it had repelled an attack by the Houthis using at least 28 drones early in the morning, hours after announcing that it had intercepted more than 15 drones.

The U.S. Central Command ((CENTCOM)) said that “U.S. and the coalition forces defeated a Houthi attack in the Red Sea region while, on March 9, in the morning, U.S. and the coalition forces shot down at least 28 unmanned aerial vehicles between 4:00 a.m. and 8:20 a.m. (Sana’a time) “.

they added: “No U.S. Navy or coalition ships were damaged in the attack, and there were also no reports of damage from commercial ships”.

On Saturday morning, the Houthi group claimed attacks on U.S. destroyers using more than 37 drones.


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