
UAE-backed Forces Escalate Tensions in Socotra

Yemen Monitor/Hadiboh/Exclusive

Tensions are rising in the Socotra archipelago as UAE-backed forces deploy military reinforcements and incite against Saudi forces in the Yemeni archipelago.

This comes after the Southern Transitional Council (STC) deployed 120 of its troops from  Al-Dhale province, the home province of STC leader Aidarous al-Zubaidi, to the archipelago, days after his supporters staged a sit-in in front of the Saudi Duty Forces camp in Hadiboh.

According to a Yemen Monitor correspondent, these new recruits arrived in the archipelago and were stationed at the First Marine Infantry Brigade camp in the Mouri area after being received on Tuesday by the brigade commander, Colonel Ali Kfayan, and the commander of the Security Belt, Mohammed Ahmed Faareh. Kfayan had previously prevented Socotri officers from entering this camp coinciding with the arrival of this force.

The correspondent added that for days, a group of people loyal to UAE and receiving salaries from Khalifa Foundation for Humanitarian Works have been setting up their tents in front of the Saudi 808 Duty Forces camp, which has been stationed in the province since 2018.

Sheba Intelligence agency said this development has caused tension between the forces allied with the UAE, led by a military figure linked to the Abu Dhabi-backed STC, Mohsen al-Haj, and the Saudi forces supporting the Yemeni Presidential Council, which are stationed on the island.

The calm and remote island has been witnessing tension for years, and the UAE is accused of escalating the military situation in the archipelago in an attempt to control it by supporting the Southern Transitional Council, which in the other hand seeks to separate the south of Yemen.

It is worth noting that since Riyadh began supporting the roadmap for peace in Yemen between the Iranian-backed Houthi group and the internationally recognized Yemeni government, relations have become strained with Abu Dhabi, the main ally in the Arab coalition.

The UAE’s involvement in Socotra has raised concerns about its intentions and potential impact on the island and the wider region.

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