
Houthi Leader’s Lectures… The Devil Speaks of Himself

By/Abdulkhaleq Omran

Yemen Monitor/Special Writings:

The terrorist Houthi militias use Ramadan lectures of the terrorist Abdulmalik al-Houthi as a primary tool for brainwashing inside the Central Security Camp prison in Sana’a, which is run by the criminal Abdulqader al-Murtada. Prisoners are forced to follow these coercive lectures as part of the “Men of God” program, which includes readings in the booklets of the deceased Hussein al-Houthi, presented by the so-called Hussein al-Hadi, in addition to broadcasting sectarian Shiite supplications through the Al-Masirah Live channel.

The moment the criminal Abdulmalik al-Houthi’s lecture begins, the cells turn into halls of ideological enslavement, where the abductees are forced to listen under the threat of weapons. Every movement is monitored through surveillance cameras, which are personally monitored by the terrorist Abdulqader al-Murtada, while the executioners “Abu Shehab” and “Jalmout” and their gang carry out punishments against anyone who dares to fidget or show disinterest.

In the prisons of the terrorist Houthi militia, Ramadan does not carry the meaning of worship and piety, but rather turns into a new season of torment. Following the lectures of the terrorist Abdulmalik al-Houthi becomes mandatory, and any refusal or mental wandering is considered a crime for which the abductees are punished with beatings and isolation in “pressure cells” or deprivation of food and water. The executioners roam between the cells, armed with Kalashnikovs, pistols, handcuffs, and batons to wake up anyone who dares to close their eyes during the lecture, in a scene that reflects the sadism of a group that loves to humiliate its victims.

The militia promotes these coercive, deviant Shiite doctrinal rituals as “God’s guidance” or “revelation,” but in reality, they are nothing more than another means to crush the personality of prisoners and abductees, extinguish any inclination for independence or resistance, and turn them into alienated beings.

I remember the lectures of the terrorist Abdulmalik al-Houthi about the devil as if he were talking about himself, not about an imaginary enemy he sells to his followers. While he was delivering his poisonous speeches about “diabolical conspiracies,” I and thousands of Yemenis in his prisons were living in an indescribable hell, being brutally tortured and deliberately starved until our bodies collapsed, and deprived of the most basic human rights, not for any crime we committed, but because we refused to bow to the idol of the priesthood.

Inside the walls of Houthi prisons, there is no law but the law of oppression, no courts but the batons of the executioners, and no mercy but that which death grants to the abductees under the weight of torture.

Every night, prisoners were taken from their cells, hung in chains, cigarettes were extinguished on their bodies, and cold water was poured on their bleeding wounds, while the executioners chanted slogans of the “Houthi Group.”

It is the devil himself, but not the one Abdulmalik al-Houthi talks about in his lectures, but the devil who sits on his throne in the caves of Maran(Houthi stronghold), feeding on the blood of the innocent and inventing every day a new diabolical method of abusing his victims.

What happens in Houthi prisons is not just passing violations, but part of a project of enslavement that targets both the human and the mind. Between physical torture and brainwashing, the militia seeks to turn prisoners into submissive tools that lose the ability to think and resist.

But no matter how hard they try, oppression cannot defeat awareness, prison cannot kill an idea, and no matter how long the darkness lasts, the sun of freedom must one day shine on all the abductees and the oppressed.

The Yemenis’ battle against the Houthis is not just a battle of weapons, but a battle of awareness and rejection of all forms of enslavement and ignorance. Every voice that comes out of the darkness of prisons and every testimony that reveals these crimes is a step towards breaking the chains of the priesthood and winning the cause of the Yemeni people in the face of the Houthi death machine.

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