
TV: US State Department Rejects Meeting with a Yemeni Presidential Council Member

Yemen Monitor/ Mareb/Private:

Yemeni television revealed on Monday that a member of the Yemeni Presidential Council, Faraj Salmeen al-Bahsani, entered the US using an Emirati passport instead of a Yemeni one during a visit in August.

“Yemen Shabab” TV reported on its “Min al-Akher”(from the end) program with Abdullah Dubleh that the US State Department had rejected al-Bahsani’s requests to coordinate meetings with officials in Washington DC because he had entered using an Emirati passport, which negated his status as a Yemeni official.

The program indicated that the US, in its apology for not meeting with al-Bahsani, considered his visit as that of an Emirati citizen and not a Yemeni official.

The program stated that “al-Bahsani has not regularly attended the Presidential Leadership Council’s meetings and tweets independently outside the Presidential Leadership Council.”

Al-Bahsani or his office could not be immediately reached for comment.

Al-Bahsani, a member of the Presidential Leadership Council, is also the deputy head of the UAE-backed STC.

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