
Yemeni Government Begins Disbursing Payments to Abandoned Southern Employees

Yemen Monitor/Newsroom

The Yemeni government announced on Wednesday the commencement of disbursing financial entitlements to military and security personnel who have been abandoned from their jobs in the southern governorates, totaling more than 34,000 beneficiaries and amounting to over 9 billion Yemeni rials. This will be carried out through the Al-Qutaibi Islamic Microfinance Bank.

According to the official Yemeni News Agency, this move aligns with official efforts to address the issues of abandoned employees, following the issuance of presidential decrees in mid-May of last year.

The news agency pointed out that presidential decrees, ranging from number (42) to (62), addressed more than 62,000 grievances of dismissed employees. These actions were also in accordance with Cabinet Resolution No. (28) of 2023 regarding the approval of financial enhancements for abandoned employees.

A responsible source in the Ministry of Finance was quoted by the agency as saying that “the commencement of disbursing payments to abandoned military and security personnel comes after the completion of the technical committee’s tasks. The committee, which included representatives from the Ministries of Finance, Civil Service, Insurance, Defense, and Interior, as well as the Central Auditing Authority, reviewed the beneficiaries’ lists and their eligibility for receiving financial entitlements.”

The source indicated that the tasks “included reviewing the beneficiaries’ lists and ensuring that they meet the conditions for receiving their financial entitlements, stemming from the keenness to alleviate their living conditions in light of the difficult circumstances currently facing the country.”

It is worth noting that the Head of the Presidential Leadership Council in Yemen, Rashad Al-Alimi, issued decrees in mid-May of last year to settle the status of more than 52,000 civil and military employees who had been abandoned from their positions in the southern governorates following the 1994 war.

Al-Alimi approved the decisions of the committee tasked with addressing the issues of abandoned employees in the civil, security, and military sectors, which included reinstatement, promotion, settlement, and retirement according to the committee’s findings.

It is worth mentioning that former Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi issued a republican decree in early 2013, establishing two committees to address the issues of land and abandoned employees in the southern governorates, as part of efforts to settle the problems that arose during the previous regime and address the aftermath of the 1994 war and all related matters.

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