
Taiz’s Largest Public Hospital Shuts Down Due to Fuel Shortage

Yemen Monitor/Newsroom

Medical sources reported on Friday that Al-Thawra Hospital in Taiz (the largest public hospital) has ceased operations due to a diesel shortage and power outages.

Doctors in the governorate have warned that the lives of dozens of patients in the dialysis and intensive care units are at risk after the hospital’s departments went out of service since Thursday.

This is not the first time the hospital has announced its closure due to a fuel shortage. Similar incidents have occurred numerous times over the past years, without any fundamental solution to the problem.

Al-Thawra Government Hospital is the largest hospital in the city, which is under the control of the Yemeni government and has been under Houthi siege for years.

The hospital in Taiz, the most populous governorate in Yemen, receives a large number of patients and war wounded, as well as dozens of other medical cases, especially with the spread of dengue fever and other winter-related illnesses.

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