
Yemeni Protesters Call for Global Rallies to Condemn the Massacre in Gaza

Yemen Monitor/Newsroom

Protesters in Marib (eastern Yemen) called on Friday for global Rallies to condemn the massacres and stop the genocidal war being waged by the Israeli occupation against people in Gaza Strip.

The protesters said in a statement after Friday prayers that “for the ninth consecutive month, the Palestinian people, who have been steadfast in their resistance, are being subjected to a genocidal war as punishment for their insistence on defending their land and justice, while the Israeli occupation is imposing a suffocating siege on the healthcare system, destroying and burning hospitals, and taking them out of service, amidst an unprecedented medical emergency and a shortage of surgical operations rooms.”

The statement emphasized that “the crossings are being closed to the wounded and sick, and humanitarian aid and supplies are being denied entry, revealing the false masks of freedom, justice, and equality raised by all international forums, including human rights organizations and courts of justice.”

The statement condemned the Israeli occupation’s brutal massacres over the past three days, calling on the international community, the United Nations, various international organizations, and all free countries to exert effective pressure on the occupation and the American administration to stop the genocide and halt the bloody flood of casualties in Gaza since nine months ago.

The protesters also denounced the continued Israeli occupation’s blockade of humanitarian aid to Gaza, considering it a crime that requires punishment and opposition according to relevant international laws.

Israeli occupation has been waging a devastating war since October 7th with US support on Gaza, killing over 126,000 Palestinian victims, most of whom are children and women, and more than 10,000 missing persons amidst widespread destruction and famine that has resulted in the death of dozens of children.

The Israeli occupation continues to wage war despite international court orders to stop it immediately and humanitarian appeals to improve the catastrophic humanitarian situation.

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