
Hundreds of cars are waiting to enter Taiz city after a day of opening Al-Hoban road


Yemen Monitor/Taiz/Exclusive

Hundreds of vehicles carrying citizens and their families have been waiting since yesterday evening, Thursday, to enter the city of Taiz (southwest Yemen), after a day of opening Al-Qasr roundabout road from Al-Hoban side after nine years of the Houthis cutting off the road and besieging the city.

An aerial photo by photographer Anas Al-Haj showed hundreds of cars waiting their turn to cross into the city before the Eid holiday or to travel to the countryside.

This comes as hundreds of cars continue to arrive in the city of Taiz through Al-Qasr roundabout exit from Al-Hoban, amidst efforts by the security services under the control of the internationally recognized Yemeni government to regulate traffic and facilitate the passage of citizens to the city and its countryside.

On Thursday morning, it was announced in the city of Taiz that Al-Qasr roundabout was officially opened in implementation of the agreements and understandings that took place based on the community initiative and understandings between the local authorities and the Houthi group that has been besieging the city for more than nine years.

Since Thursday morning, cars and trucks have begun to enter the city of Taiz from Al-Qasr ,Al-Jumhori and Al-Kamp point. Opening Al-Qasr roundabout, amidst great joy among the residents who gathered near this exit from the city side, and chanted slogans expressing their joy at the entry and exit of travelers through this road.

In May, Taiz Governor Nabil Shamsan, along with the head of the presidential committee for opening roads, announced an initiative to open the main Sana’a-Taiz road, via  Aqabat Munif – Al-Hoban pass, from one side, and called on the Houthis to open the road from the side under their control; Instead, in a roundabout move, the Houthis announced that they had opened a number of other roads.

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