
Houthis are insisting the threat of maritime navigation vowing a military surprise


The Yemeni leader of Ansar Allah Abdulmalek al-Huothi in a television speech has vowed to introduce a military surprise declaring that ” our military operations will continue and advance and we have surprises that our enemies will not expect at all”.

During his speech he mentioned that the US and its allies has targeted nothing of his military capabilities saying “The enemies’ statements have acknowledged their failure to destroy [Yemen’s] capabilities or limit the impact or momentum of these capabilities”.

He added that in the operations of his group they have targeted 54 ships with 384 missiles and drones since the start of their operations in the Red Sea on 19 November, 2023

Yesterday, February 29, the forces of the United States Central Command (Centcom) conducted two attacks of self-defense against six mobile anti-ship cruise missiles that were ready to be launched towards the Red Sea. In addition, Centcom forces shot down an unmanned aerial vehicle over the southern Red Sea in reported by the US naval operations.

He continued: “Our operations will continue more effectively in the Red Sea and with development, and we have a big surprise that the enemies do not expect, and we will start it indeed”.

The Houthis Iran-backed are saying  that by their attacks they are supporting the Palestinians against the Israeli aggression on  Gaza Strip causing many  of the shipping companies to stop using the vital waterway in the Red Sea. This has led ships to change their course to the more expensive and longer route around Cape of Good Hope searching the safety from Houthi threats.

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